CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is that part of a PC or a web server that runs all the calculations. Each and every CPU functions at a certain speed and the higher it is, the swifter everything will be processed, so when you host resource-demanding web applications on a web server, for example, a powerful processor will allow them to be performed faster, which will considerably contribute to the overall user experience. The current generations of CPUs have two and more cores, each one functioning at a certain speed to guarantee a much better and swifter performance. This type of architecture permits the processor to control numerous processes at one time or a number of cores to control 1 process if it requires extra computing power in order to be completed. However, other elements such as the amount of RAM or the connection which a specific web server uses may also affect the efficiency of the web sites hosted on it.
CPU Share in VPS Servers
We offer a wide selection of VPS server plans that are ideal for different purposes. If you need a hosting server to get root access, but you do not need lots of processing power, for instance, you can acquire a lower-end plan which includes less resources. The VPS will be created on a physical web server and our system will set aside a certain CPU share to it. If you need extra resources in the future, you'll be able to upgrade to a more powerful plan through the billing CP, and because every single package features a specific CPU quota which your applications can utilize, the additional quota will be included in your existing account. The physical hosting servers where the virtual ones are set up are designed with 16-core, 3.0+ GHz processors and just a few VPS accounts are set up on a specific hosting server, so you'll be able to use a virtual server which is as powerful as you want it to be.
CPU Share in Dedicated Servers
If you decide to get a dedicated server through our company, you shall be able to select between several different package deals which have different configurations. This way, you'll be able to buy the most suitable plan based upon your budget and the resources that you need for your online/offline apps. Our most powerful plan features a twelve-core processor that will guarantee the really quick execution of any script that you run on the server. Each and every CPU which we use when we build a new server is meticulously examined to ensure that it shall function perfectly even when there’s an exceptionally heavy workload. The processor speeds listed on our site are guaranteed constantly, due to the fact that you will be the only one who will utilize the resources of the whole hosting server.