Whenever some content is uploaded to a website hosting account or downloaded using it, website traffic is generated which is a component that every single hosting plan includes. It is also one of the features you need to check out, as the amount of traffic allowance you will need will depend on what exactly you need the account for. The site traffic is mostly produced by downloads including web site visits. Essentially, anytime somebody opens your website, the pages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer and they are then shown by their web browser. It is of course important to know that uploads matter as well, so that when you back up large files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers may have different names for this particular feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but all of them apply to the same thing - the total amount of incoming and outgoing info produced for a particular period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Website Hosting
Our website hosting service were created with the notion to handle the website traffic made by any kind of website that can exist in such an account. In case you currently have one or multiple small or medium-sized websites, you will not be limited by the monthly site traffic allowance irrespective of what content you have - plain text or lots of images, for instance. The stats inside the hosting Control Panel gives you elaborate info about the website traffic generated by each and every web site and the amount for your account altogether. The numbers are updated in real time and show both the daily and the monthly usage, therefore you will be aware of how much data is transferred to and from the web hosting account at any moment. The first day of every month the counter is reset, but you'll still be able to view the traffic stats for the previous months, that will inform you on how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated server plans are suitable to host a number of resource-hungry websites as they feature a great deal of processing power. Such web sites often produce a lot of site traffic and for that reason we have made the decision not to restrict this characteristic. When you have a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many website visitors as you can get without having to worry that you'll get to some limit for the site traffic they will generate. For your convenience, you can keep track of what's going on in your account since we'll give you monthly, daily and hourly stats for the web site traffic your web sites generate. This means that, you will be informed on how they function at any time. You'll even be able to see which page or file has generated the most traffic for every single website in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly website traffic quota you will get using our Linux VPS service is enough for any kind of web site and it is proportionate to the remainder of the system resources that come with each and every plan. With a more powerful server, you'll be able to run numerous web sites or several popular web sites, which means that the site visitors allocation for the superior plans is also greater. If you pick a low-end VPS plan, you can improve it whenever you want with a couple of clicks through your billing Control Panel and the extra resources will be added to your existing account, along with the added website traffic quota. Our VPS accounts include a server administration panel where you can keep track of the used and remaining website traffic for the current month in addition to all the other resources. We also send announcements when you reach 90% of your limit, so that you will have sufficient time to react and upgrade if necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Taking into consideration how powerful all of our dedicated servers are, the data transfer that you'll receive every single month will be enough for any type of site regardless of the amount of its visitors, even if you provide image or file hosting. You'll get a quota of terabytes of website traffic each month and since you will not share the server with anybody else, that quota will be supplied only for your sites and web apps. We'll contact you if you get to 90% of the allowance so you can react and either optimize your websites to reduce the traffic they make, or increase the limit. It is very unlikely that you'll ever need more than what we'll offer you, however we won't obstruct the development of your websites, therefore we leave the chance to add additional traffic open. The dedicated server plans come with a management panel where you can see what amount of traffic has been produced so far for the current month and what amount is left until you reach the cap. Considering the fact that these figures feature software setups as well as any updates, they're more clear compared to any hosting Control Panel stats that include only the website traffic generated by web sites.